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Shakespeare’s ambiguous language can also be interpreted as the light, cheating, unfaithful wife which leads to an unhappy and emotionally burdened husband. Portia and Antonio cannot spread their inner light because they are forced to keep their secrets hidden. In Shakespeare’s time, light meant to show the way, so for Antonio and Portia to reveal their true colors. It is obvious that he is happy whenever Bassanio comes along, but he may just be putting up an act to make him believe that he is okay. Bassanio notices how strange Antonio acts. After it is confirmed that Antonio no longer has to pay Bassanio back, Antonio pressures him into giving away the ring, claiming that his own love should be more important than Portia’s.
Whether Shakespeare intended it or not, Antonio is implied to be a closeted gay man trying to hide it from everyone around him. The only person who may know is Bassanio because they rely on one another. As for Portia, whether she is happy to be with Bassanio or not, she knows that she is different. If Shakespeare wrote this story today, it’s understandable that the story had a homosexual theme from the beginning. If Shakespeare too was a homosexual, then this was his way of trying to come out to the general public. He knew his stories would be famous someday. Each character he has written must have a bit of Shakespeare’s own personality.

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